Presented by the journalist Hasan Kutbi within the company's awareness programs

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Presented by the journalist Hasan Kutbi within the company's awareness programs
July 2019

Kia Al-Jabr offers a training program for women on vehicle care and maintenance

Presented by the journalist Hasan Kutbi within the company's awareness programs


July 2019: Under the social responsibility of Al-Aljabr Trading Company, dealer of Kia Motors in the Kingdom, towards its community, in contributing to increase the area of traffic awareness among women; the company recently organized a training program titled (vehicle Care and maintenance) in Al-Khobar City In the Eastern Province, presented by the media specialist in the field of Automotive Mr. Hasan Kutbi, in the presence of Deputy Director General of Maintenance at Kia Motors Company in the Middle East region and North Africa H. R. Chu.

At the beginning of the program, the Chief Operation Officer of Al-Jabr Trading Company Mr. Wail Baghdadi welcomed the participants and wished them benefiting from their content. He explained that this program falls under many activities and programs implemented by the company to serve the community in various fields including the humanitarian, awareness and sport aspects, stressing that these programs and events will continue and develop in response to the interaction and positive response that we draw from participants and beneficiaries of what we offer.

The General Manager of Maintenance at Al-Jabr Trading Company, Eng. Saeed Ghonaim, spoke about the strategic importance of the company to develop the after-sales service, which is headed by the maintenance sector, so it has been keen to expand the establishment of maintenance centers in most cities of the Kingdom, and support them by establishing distribution points of spare parts, which in turn benefited from the regional warehouse located in the Eastern region, which is the largest warehouse of Kia Motors spare parts in the Middle East

Then the training program launched, through which Mr. Hasan Kutbi has presented his experience in the automotive world. He explained many misconceptions and mistakes that can be avoided in order to preserve the vehicle, which is an essential part of traffic safety compared to figures and studies that reflect fatal accidents due to minor breakdowns and failures and not paying attention towards maintenance which led to the occurrence. However, the interaction of the ladies who attended the session was wonderful. They asked many questions and inquiries which extensively responded to by Mr. Hasan Kutbi who practically used the cars provided by Al-Jabr Trading Company on the site of the training program to explain the cases. The program concluded by honoring the participants and giving them certificates of participation in the program.


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